I don't really know why I've been writin in my notebook than just typing it all out on here. It's faster to just type it. But, I like the way I can express my feelings on paper too I guess. & instead of just deleting it off my phone. I can just burn the piece of paper & let it all go. The past few weeks I have just been in a writing kind of mood. It's hard to explain. But, for this weekend. I'm just going to writing in this. It's easier than writing in my notebook when I'm around people. Because they never seem to notice what I'm doing. They just think I'm texting it something. But if I writing in my notebook while I'm around people then they know what I'm doing. Some people just think I'm probably doing homework. But, if they really know me then they know I don't do homework. & if they really know me. They will identify the notebook & know what I'm doing. & most likely want to know what I'm writing about. Because they wanna know what is going around in "Erica's head." But, I won't let them read it if I don't want them too. Only some people get to read it. The people I want to read it. Same with this, I only let people read it if I want them too. I know, it's complicated. But, it's me.
~Nevaeh Raine.
November 15th, 2013.
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